In the last three months my business has been going through a rough patch. With no power to the unit I'm not able works and as you will know that bills still have to payed while I have been looking for a new workplace. Now that I've found a new workplace I am extremly low on funds to move and turn the place into a fully functional workshop.
So to raise so money I turned to gofundme a website where anyone can donate to your cause and I signed up, posted my story asking for £1000 to help me move my equipment and trun the building into a workshop. I started to share it across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin.
And in just 5 days I have raised over £800 which is amazing!! I sharing like mad to reach the target.
With only £128 left to the full target to help me move my workshop so I can keep doing what I'm so passionate about, I'm asking everyone to please share my gofundme page and get the message out there I'd really appreciate it.